Antibes Family


Antibes Family

Courses start every Monday throughout the year, with arrivals on Sunday

Key points

● French course for families

● Sun and fun

School details

Lunch only: Lunch is compulsory and included in the price.

One student per family: This program is offered to the whole family even if only one of its members takes French Lessons

Arrivals & departures: Arrivals are on Sundays, departures are on Saturdays.

Age range: 6 - 17 & 18+ Years


French family courses in Antibes


The classrooms are bright and modern. The outdoor terrace and the restaurant offer a magnificent view of the port of Antibes and the bay of Baie des Anges. The Center International d'Antibes is a fully accredited language school with quality teaching. The private institute is one of the largest schools in France that specialises in teaching French to foreigners (FLE).

Please contact us and we'll offer you a program that suits your needs.

There is no lesson on the first Monday of the stay. In the morning, an oral and written French test will be conducted to classify the classes by level. In the early afternoon there will be an information meeting and a city tour. The lessons take place in the school, Le Château. If the rooms are busy there, the participants will learn in the school Le Port.



The residences are located not far from the city center and the sandy beaches of Juan-les-Pins.

If a single family member attends a course or programme, the whole family can use the shared accommodation. Families can choose between double apartments, triple apartments or interconnected double apartments in our residences, «Aragon» or «Castel Arabel».

Adults attend the Standard Course or another French course offer.

For children there are the following options:

  • Lessons in the morning with lunch (for 6 - 17 year olds)
  • Daily program with standard course, breakfast, lunch, excursions and activities included (for 8 - 17 year olds)

Studio apartment accommodation is always available during these dates. A different range of activities and social programs for all ages are also available, please get in touch with us for more information on dates, prices, and the different family courses that we offer.

If you are interested in a French language holiday for your family in Antibes, please complete this FORM to let us know more about the needs and interests of your family. A friendly memeber of our staff will then contact you at the earliest opportunity to provide you with the offers that are best suited to the needs of you and your family. 
If you have any further questions and wish to speak with us directly, please don't hesitate to contact us+41 (0) 26 321 34 34


5 reasons to choose friLingue

Language Camps

17 Years

Nationality mix

friLingue is hugely popular in the domestic market as well as internationally, providing international and local Swiss students the opportunity to mix and exchange languages within the camp.


We place emphasis on a young, creative and motivated teaching body and an international atmosphere with volunteers from all over the world


Our camps are held in some of Switzerland's most stunning and unique locations - expect Alpine mountains and freshwater lakes that will take your breath away!


Our young, creative and diverse group of teachers are encouraged to use more fun and interactive methods, making the language more accessible to each student.

Small class sizes

Our classes are held in small classes of around 6 students, providing more teacher-student contact that allows the teacher to focus upon the specific learning needs of each student. Average number of students per class in 2023: 5.

Find the friLingue camp for you!