Language courses worldwide

Studying a language abroad gives you so much more than language skills.

Language Study Holiday for Adults - Switzerland & abroad

FriLingue offers Language Study Holidays in Switzerland, but also in other countries...


Find the right course for you!

With our Course Finder, you can find a course that perfectly fits all your needs!

Course Finder

5 reasons to choose friLingue

Language Camps

18 Years

Nationality mix

friLingue is hugely popular in the domestic market as well as internationally, providing international and local Swiss students the opportunity to mix and exchange languages within the camp.


We place emphasis on a young, creative and motivated teaching body and an international atmosphere with volunteers from all over the world


Our camps are held in some of Switzerland's most stunning and unique locations - expect Alpine mountains and freshwater lakes that will take your breath away!


Our young, creative and diverse group of teachers are encouraged to use more fun and interactive methods, making the language more accessible to each student.

Small class sizes

Our classes are held in small classes of around 6 students, providing more teacher-student contact that allows the teacher to focus upon the specific learning needs of each student.

Find the friLingue camp for you!